depressed.??? got stress up ab0ut s0mething.???
if u are...well we`re currently in the same mood...
do watch this video for a sec will ya.???
let me guess what`s ur facial expression right now...u are nodding.??? or shaking ur head.???
i`m sorry....i should let all of u know 1st...the guy ab0ve is the eldest son of my former english teacher..his name is noor anwar hadi...why am i talking ab0ut him..???
ehem...actually i am very mad + stress 0ut + feeling kinda depressed....
i wanna ask s0mething....what makes this `bahasa rempit' @ `bahasa c0mel' s0 freakin` cool.???
as for me,it`s`s embarrassing...don`t u feel shy using th0se w0rds/style while u are talking.???unless u have lack speaking skill,it`s an excuse for u then...
BUT not f0r those who actually can speak malay fluently - especially those are holding blue mykad that stated wh0 u are..don`t u feel pr0ud when 0ur bahasa melayu or some maight say it as bahasa malaysia was once liguan franca.???do appriciate our bahasa ibunda...don`t destr0y this beautiful language...please..please...
from the deepest of my heart,i do admit s0metimes i attend to do so...h0wever,people changed do they.???
let`s changed...would u join me..??it`s n0t a campaign in promoting our national language...
i just don`t want this beautiful asset that represent MALAYSIA to the world is being abused...
dearly me,