Tuesday, March 6


peace be upon to you... >_<

helo there...as u may see,the title is ENGLISH...yup...it`s english...
h0ld on for a sec..i`m not trying to show off how good am i in this particular language...i just wanna share how can u ( including myself) to improve urself in english...
an0ther reason i` posting about this is because a friend of mine asked me how to improve our english...

let`s get it started..shall we.??

1 - do listen to english songs (do choose a suitable genre that w0n`t give u a haeedache while listening to it)...i suggest the country or jazz or ballads

2 - try to watch any movie/sitcoms without the subtitles...if u do feel kind a awkward watching those shows without subtitles, do start by watching cartoons..don`t be shy...u are learning...

3 - text ur friends in english...but wait.!! do inform them 1st...& asked them to help u...

4 - 1 page of dictionary per day ( make sure the page randomly selected )...as u go trough the page, u may find a new word....automatically can enrich our vocab + grammar.. 

5 - tune ur radio...what i mean is get used to listened to english radio channel...by doing so,u can hear how did the deejays actually speaking..plus it`s live.!!!!

6 - here`s an0ther tip...choose a day from any 7 days with in the week for ur english day...this reminds me way back when i was in seseri....my english head of department suggested that we h0ld a day specifically for english..that means we must speak in english EXCEPT during bahasa classes...that also includes during our dinner at the dining hall...

7- last tip from me...get urself a book of wordsearch....it`s really useful....i`m serious...no need to buy the expensive one,enough with small pocket sized book....all that u need ia a highlighter & the wordsearch book...this activity would not filled ur leisure time,it also can help u with ur english..especially with spellling..

hmm..that`s it from me...i h0pe that these simple steps would able to help u with ur english...doesn`t matter weather u speak or write in british or american accent..it is still ENGLISH....

before leaving this page,do spend some of ur time watching this video...
#note -  watch how did she talk...

i thinh that`s the end from me about this topic...s0rry if i do make a scratch or hurt at ur fragile sweet heart..i didn`t mean too...sorry again...btw,GOOD LUCK t0 th0se wh0se trying to improve their english...

may allah bless ur hardwork..(^_^)

till next time,insya`allah