Thursday, November 15


salam maal hijrah again~!! heee~

ehen...actually kali nie nk share my opinion about life in cities...i mean a big + busy + condensed city...especially here in the heart of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur....

actually hari nie aku outing dgn roommate aku - anna....kami decide nk pei KLCC sbb ain pon nk pegi sana to see her buddies....why not kn.? alang2 dh bley outing this public holiday... sedondon tiga2 org pakai jubah tp lain2 kaler..

okay..back to the topic....masa tu tgh lunch kat food court KLCC...msa tu around pkul 12 tgh hari la....mind the time... menu lunch.? hotplate + orange juice for ana and me just hotplate + air setarbuck y dh beli awal2 lpas smpi KLCC~ well,we have our lunch sambil usha org ramai kat park outside the KLCC...ala y ada kolam air pancut....kwasn padang y org dtg picnic sume tu....kalu xtaw nnt kita pegi sama2 ek... haha tirah ngan ana makan jela....dah lapar kan...ana plak x mkan mushroom...adehh,byak bebenor mkan td... *kekenyangan* heeee~ (^^,)

licin wo0oo... hahaha

tgah syok2 mkan,sembang2 psal knape la org sggup dlam panas nk kluar pegi park tu... (o.0)  kami y tgah makan tgok view nie pon agak xberapa nk selesa dgn suhu tgh/hari,hotplate bertambah2 hot hot.. heee~ suddenly ada bunyi bdak/bayi nangis... adoiiiii~

terlintas kat otak aku - 

"knapa parents nk bwak bdak2 nie pegi tmpat camnie....seriously,sgt x sesuai.....this is NOT the right environment for those little....kecik2 dh bwak pegi tempat y ramai sgt orang...for me,it's too much~!! T.T "

then msa nk balik UIA,ingt nk stop kjap kat certain kedai utk beli something,nmpk plak ada 1 pair of kinda young parents bwak baby dia y look so small...mcam fragile tu xla merah ag muka dia (macam baru lahir)... tp tgok size of that cutie mcam sgt2 tak patut bwak pegi KLCC....

tirah tgok bdak tu mcam sgt2 culture shock dgn keadaan y ramai sgrt orang all of a sudden..... parents mgkin xtaw how the child reacts becoz sometime they just ltak dlam troli baby tu and tolak jea...tirah sendiri xsuka dgn keadaan org y terlalu ramai/condensed condition... riiiiiimas~!!!

kalu tirah & ana (roommate) pon rimas apatah ag bdak tu....ermm,xsalah nk bwak anak2 pegi tmpat2 mcam nie.. tp please tgok keadaan dlu.....we might be okay dgn havocness of the place tp mampu ke those small cutie tahan..?? Personally tirah rasa those children y nangis @ merengek bila dlam shopping kompleks bukannya ape...just maybe they are not ready for it...yet~

kecian sgt2 kat bdak tu.....huhuhuuuu
please don't do it to those cuties...... ciap dgn nangis2 ag bdak2 tu....tirah xtahan..... uuuuuu T.T
pretty pretty please.....!!! huurrrrmmmm~
and sape2 y ada adik kecik tu,take good care of them kay.???

takboleh tahan tgok bdak2 nangis,